Do you prefer to allow your pet to sleep indoors, only to wake up to find that your home has been demolished? You’ve probably struggled with chewed furniture and urine on your carpet. Therefore, you are in desperate need of advice on how to properly train your dog. This article has some advice on how you can train your dog to exhibit good behavior inside the house.
When you correct your dog verbally, those corrections should be short and focused on the behavior. Don’t drag on and rant how your dog is bad. Just say no, then show it what to do instead. It is also important to have good volume to your commands so that your dog understands that you are serious.
Timing is critical during training your dog; you need to take the time training, but don’t overdo it. Shorter training sessions are better at the beginning of your program. Pay attention and end the session when your dog loses interest.
Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. The restraints for each dog can become tangled and in an effort to free themselves, they can be injured. If the dogs are different sizes, it could be even worse. A small dog could easily choke to death if it were to get too tangled up with a larger breed.
Your dog may not learn a command right away. You may need to repeat the same command lesson from 25 to 30 times before your dog learns it. Being patient while trying the same task or command will allow your dog to understand it.
Modify and update your dog’s training as necessary, so he remains in compliance with the rules. It is easy to feel that once your dog’s training is over, the lessons are learned and will stay with the dog forever. Pets share a lot of the same habitual learning that humans do. This shows that you need to do periodic refreshers so that your dog continues to follow the rules.
Refrain from using higher end training gadgets, such as shock collar devices. These devices are expensive and do not always work as well as you would expect them to. They can cause your dog to be confused about all their behaviors. It is common for these tactics to create adverse behavior.
Come up with a phrase that you can teach your puppy during house training. When you are outside with the puppy, say the chosen phrase to keep him focused on the task he is to accomplish.
When getting closer to a dog, move slowly and let the dog smell your hand. This lets the dog get accustomed to your smell and he will be more trusting towards you. When he knows who you are, he’ll do what you ask.
Training Sessions
Don’t overdo your training sessions, keep them brief and interesting for best results. Remember that a dog has a short attention span and cannot focus on one thing for too long. Training sessions should be limited to about 10 minutes of time or less.
Primary reinforcement is key during canine training. Primary reinforcement is a positive reinforcement training strategy that relies heavily on things your dog already enjoys. You can use food or a nice belly rub as primary reinforcements. This will teach your dog how to get something he already wants.
Positive reinforcement is an essential component of puppy training. Use a happy tone when you are rewarding your dog; pet him a lot, and give him a little treat once in a while. Never shout towards your dog, nor ever hit or physically strike him. This doesn’t work well and only succeeds in teaching your dog that its master is out of control. Be positive, firm and consistent to get great results while you train your dog.
The tips in the article above should give you some confidence that you can now handle those challenging times when your pet is on a rampage in your household. Your pet is ruining all your things, and your patience is wearing thin. Utilize the above information to help train your dog.
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