It is tough to figure out positive methods for training your dog, because he is a family member after all. In this article, you will find great canine training advice that will benefit you greatly. Knowledge is vital to the success of training your dog.
It takes a while for a dog to get comfortable in a crate. Don’t take it too fast; introduce the dog at his own pace. When they’ve settled down with the gate open, slowly shut it and pass treats through the gate. Use small increments of time, and build them up as your puppy or dog becomes more relaxed with the process. Freaking out your dog is a sign that you need to slow down.
When you verbally correct your dog, do it quickly and concisely. Avoid going on a rant about the dog’s “badness”. Simply say no and direct them to what you want them to do instead. Be sure your command tone of voice gets their attention and shows that you’re serious.
You should never tether two dogs in close proximity to one another. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured. If dogs get tangled up too severely, one can get wrapped up so badly it could close off the airway, and he could die.
Use the right size crate for effective crate training. Keep in mind that they get larger as they age. Select a crate that is large enough for them to fit in when they are older. Don’t restrict the size so much so that the dog cannot lie or turn easily.
You will be able to allow your dog to do more as it learns. The spectrum of freedom and obedience gives your dog the happy life he deserves. Just be careful not to overdo it on the freedom initially as it can set your puppy training efforts back.
Approach any unfamiliar dog with care. Walk slowly toward him and allow the dog to sniff your hand before trying to pet the dog. This will give the dog time learn your scent and possibly trust you. When the dog knows your scent, he is better able to trust you and follow given commands.
Take the time to teach your dog how to behave when on a leash. Not only is this safer for the dog and easier on your body, such a frequent activity mandates good self-control and reinforcement of the chain of command from training.
“Leave it” is a command that should be taught and reinforced early on. This basic command is extremely helpful when your dog is chewing on something he shouldn’t and also helps to keep him away from dangerous items.
You can use a spray bottle filled with water as a mild aversive to prevent inappropriate chewing. Your dog will understand that this action means that the behavior is unacceptable. In short order, the dog is sure to cease such behavior, and assume the role of fun, yet obedient animal.
Make sure you’re praising your dog so that you enforce positive behavior. Talk in a positive voice, smile and offer your dog some treats when it does something right. Avoid rewarding improper behavior since the dog will relate this to positive reinforcement too.
Socialization with other people and pets is an important part of your dog’s training. Your dog has to learn how to behave around other animals and people. The best way to develop good behavior in these situations is to put your dog in the environment as much as possible. In addition, this helps decrease any troublesome behavior whenever they are introduced to new environments.
You have now taken the initial step in the direction of being a good dog trainer. If you apply the ideas presented within this article, then you are going to have a much easier time with puppy training. Simple guidance can help a great deal.
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