Remember that your dog doesn’t process thoughts the same way that you do. Trying to talk to your dog like it’s a person will only frustrate you both. Dogs are smart animals, though, and with a little patience and understanding they can be well trained.
Be careful of disrupting your training time with rewards. When the dog correctly follows your commands, you can certainly give a reward. While you may be overjoyed with headway you are making, showing excitement causes the dog to become excited and makes you lose control. Therefore, remain calm and expect your dog to act calm. Once this is accomplished, reward your dog.
Repetition is the key to success when teaching a dog a new command. You may need to repeat the command more than 20 or 30 times. Keep teaching it and be patient. The dog will learn in time.
As your dog progresses in training, you can provide more freedom. Balancing obedience and liberty make dogs feel very satisfied. Just be careful that you do not allow too much freedom, too quickly, as this can quickly derail your hard work and training.
When house training your pup, you should adhere to a regular schedule of feeding and elimination. This way, you are aware of when your dog will need to do his business, and you can take him outside before an accident occurs. When a dog has a schedule, they also learn the valuable skill of “holding it” until you take him for his next scheduled trip outside.
You should train your dog to walk properly on his leash. Doing so is a matter of safety for both you and the dog when you take him for a walk.
Exercise your dog for at least an hour each day in addition to regular outside potty breaks and training sessions. Your training will be easier and more effective if your dog gets good daily exercise. An exercised dog leads to having a responsive and happy dog.
Training Sessions
Training sessions with your dog are best when kept short. Dogs don’t have long attention spans so make sure that your training sessions are kept short. If you want to train more, make sure to include play breaks for your dog.
You should always call your dog in the same way. Use your dog’s name when giving a command. This will get his attention, and then you can tell him what to do. Dogs quickly recognize their name which allows you to get their attention.
When you are in the initial stages of training your puppy, teach him his name first to help create a bond. Use his name frequently, and train him to come to you when called. This should be the first thing you teach your puppy. By setting aside some special time for you and your puppy, you will give him the opportunity to get to know you, as well as trust you. Over time, the puppy will be able to learn more advanced training.
To put a halt on barking, teach your pup to obey a basic command. Use negative reinforcement to stop your dog from barking when it engages in this action. Then, you reward them with a treat. By repeating this, the dog learns that silence brings treats.
Don’t give a puppy too much information and training at once, or you’ll wear him out. Your puppy has a very short attention span, so start out with short sessions, and try to keep things enjoyable for both you and your pup. If training sessions are too long, the puppy won’t remember the specifics of the training session, just that is was grueling and exhausting. This will make it harder to train him next time.
After learning some helpful hints on how to get through to your dog and train it to behave to your expectations you simply need to follow what you have learned. After changing your dogs behavior to fit with the tips suggested you can properly train your dog.
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