Do you want to get a dog, but are unaware of how you should train it? Do you currently own a dog and have been desperately trying to eliminate negative behaviors? This article may be the ticket! Keep reading for great tips to help train a dog to be a loyal companion.
Use control to acknowledge positive behavior while training. If you are able to command your dog to do something the right way, then it is good to calmly reward your dog. You may feel great about it, but you don’t want to make the pup feel over-excited. Try to stay as calm as possible during your canine training session.
Dogs have tunnel vision and will focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else. With enough repetition, your dog will focus on other things less and less, opting to wait for signals from you.
You must begin your relationship with the dog as the boss for any training to be effective. If the dog does not understand that you have control he will ignore your commands and act with outright disobedience. Always walk in front of the dog when you go on walks, because this is the position to show leadership.
You can show your dog how to do tricks, get some treats. You can have your dog sit or roll over. Next, hold the treat close to the floor on one side of the dog’s head, and slowly bringing it upwards and over to the dog’s other side. As the dog uses his nose to track the morsel, he will simultaneously roll his entire body over. Say “roll over” as he performs the action so that he’ll learn the command. Do not get mad if it takes several tries. Once they learn this particular trick, they will be popular at the dog park!
As you progress with your dog’s training, you should begin to give it more and more freedom. The spectrum of freedom and obedience gives your dog the happy life he deserves. Try to remember that you shouldn’t provide a lot freedom at one time, as it could regress the training that you’ve been doing.
You should always say commands in the same tone and volume. The dog will know you’re telling them what to do that way. It is important that your dog be able to distinguish between a command and a reprimand.
Now that you have seen how simple training a dog can be, don’t wait. Use the above advice to start training your dog now. Dogs are eager to please you and follow your orders. They need firm guidance, though. Try it now!
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