A dog is like a television remote in the sense that you need to program him. The potential is there, but without intervention, it is useless. Dogs are inborn to learn training, but need the help of their owner.
When correcting your dog, be concise. Don’t rant on to the dog about the thinks that he did wrong. Just tell them no, and redirect them to the task you are asking them to do. You should also be certain that your voice is loud enough to get their attention, but also conveys seriousness.
It is dangerous to put more than one dog together in a close space. The chain from one dog could wrap around the second and the dogs could get hurt trying to get free. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.
Your dog may not learn a command right away. Repetition is key in training your dog. Some estimate that your pet must hear a command as many as 50 times to learn it. Continue repeating the command patiently, and eventually your dog will understand it.
Keep your tone of voice consistent when training dogs. This will let him know you are serious and he needs to listen. You should also work on developing different tones to use in different situations. For example, you can have a sharp one for disciplinary purposes, and a firm, but not-as-sharp one for simple commands.
If you need to approach a dog that you are not familiar with, approach it slowly and allow it to sniff your hand. This helps the dog become familiar with your scent and engenders trust. Once a dog recognizes your particular scent, he will be unafraid and willing to obey.
Let your dog get a minimum of an hour of exercise every day, and do this in addition to standard breaks outside for potty and training. Being sure they have enough exercise time can ease training efforts and encourage proper behavior from them. A dog that gets to exercise and have fun will be much easier to manage.
Maintain brief training sessions. When your dog doesn’t get bored, they’ll be a better training partner. If you want to do anymore training, let the dog have a play break for stretching and relaxing before continuing with their training.
Once you can bring out a dog’s ability to be trained, it is just a matter of consistently practicing the techniques. Your dog will take pleasure in learning commands and will love to see you happy when he does something right.
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