Although you may care for your things, your dog may not feel the same way. Sadly, the dog is not likely to appreciate your things like you do, and things that appear good for chewing are ripe for attack. The article below has tips and tips that can help you curb your dog’s behavior.
When you correct your dog verbally, those corrections should be short and focused on the behavior. Do not whine and complain to your pet about their bad behavior. Say no and let them know what you would rather have them do. Use a tone which is obviously one of consternation.
Rewarding your dog properly and generously is important when it comes to training them. Treats, toys and praise have to be given in the right doses and at the correct times. If you don’t do it at the correct time, the dog may become confused about the reward.
Your dog needs to learn good feeding habits, and this is best accomplished with a clear routine. Train your dog to understand that the food bowl will be removed 10-15 minutes after you have fed him. This will help get him on a schedule. Doing so will encourage your pooch to eat efficiently.
Crate training requires extreme consistency. When the dog is let out of the crate, it is necessary to give him a chance to relive himself right away. The dog will eventually learn that there are proper times to go outside and use the restroom.
Use an even tone when commanding your dogs. These tones let your dog know that you are serious. In time, your dog will understand what you want regardless of which words you use.
To house train your pup, get him on a set feeding and potty schedule every day. This can train your dog to whine or come get you when he feels the urge, so you can let him out and prevent him from doing his business inside. Having a set schedule will teach your dog how to wait until he can go outside for the next potty break.
Patience is key in puppy training. Staying patient will help all parties to avoid frustration. Remember that your dog really does want to please you, but sometimes he gets confused because he speaks a different language and cannot understand what you are asking.
Be careful not to spend too much time at once training your dog. You will bore your dog if your spend a lot of time on just one thing. Keep first training lessons to 10 minutes or less.
You want your dog to behave. You will stop your dog from being hurt and save money. Use the tips in this article to effectively teach your dog stop chewing.
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