Simple Ways To Get A Well-Trained Dog

Bringing a new puppy home is a joyful experience. However, this joy can quickly turn into lots of frustration. Some owners regret getting a dog every time they have to clean up their messy house. You can rediscover your joy when you teach your dog the proper way to behave. This article covers some tips for training human’s favorite pet.
You need to reward your dog to be successful. Dog treats must be plentiful and strategically timed. Your dog does not know why they are getting the reward unless you do it right after the positive behavior.
Do not reinforce any negative behaviors accidentally. You should avoid using strips of food or attention to train when you are trying to discourage behaviors. This includes things like petting them when they jump on you at the door.
Try a phrase that you will stick with to train your puppy when you are house breaking him or her. Whenever you bring him outside, repeat your chosen phrase in a firm but gentle tone to encourage him to undertake the action and associate the act with the place.
To house train your dog, you should make sure that your dog follows a regular feeding and elimination schedule. This can help you avoid accidents on the carpet by becoming aware of when the dog needs to go. A regular schedule will also give your dog a chance to learn how to exercise self-control, as he will know that a trip outside is eminent.
Patience is definitely a virtue when training your pet. You will not get frustrated or mad and neither will your pet. Keep in mind that they wish to please you; however, they get confused because they can’t understand your language.
It is important to avoid dwelling on one task for too long. If you spend too much time doing one training exercise, your dog will become bored. Limit the amount of time you train at first to less than 10 minutes.
To prevent your dog from barking, try to desensitize them to the cause of their barking. A variety of things can cause this, whether other animals, unknown people or specific sounds. As you begin getting your dog accustomed to these situations, he will be less likely to bark.
Keep track of the number of treats you give your dog. Your dog needs to watch his weight, too. The number of treats a dog gets during training can rack up pretty quickly, and a lot of owners overlook this part of their canine’s diet.
As you train your dog, have an eye on other dogs when walking yours. There are aggressive dogs, and not every owner is at fault. If you notice an aggressive or antisocial dog, keep your dog away from it.
Training should be an enjoyable activity for your dog. Keep training sessions to more than 10 to 15 minutes to stay within your dogs’ attention span. Give out different kinds of rewards. The more you reward your dog the more he will continue the positive behavior. When the dog enjoys their training, they will listen better.
Anxiety causes destructive chewing. Crate training your dog and giving him items to play with while you’re gone should help keep both your home and dog safe.
You need to find out how to recognize when your dog needs to go to the bathroom. Dogs will let you know when they have to go. By learning your dog’s behaviors, you can immediately take your dog to his potty area to train him where to go to the bathroom. Understanding the dog’s natural disposition helps make house training simpler for everyone involved.
Don’t allow your dog to drag you around. You lead the dog, he does not lead you. Use a secure collar with a short leash when beginning obedience training. Teach your dog to heel when walking, and always pass through gates and doors ahead of him. You, not your pet, are in control in this relationship.
Treats, affection and lots of patience are required for successful training your dog. You should have found some great hints and tips from this article that showed you how to have a friend in your pet for life. Although changes may take awhile to happen, consistency will lead to happiness, for both you and your dog.
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