Having Difficulty With Your Dog? Try These Suggestions For Helping Your Pet Change Their Behavior Now
To have a happy life with your dog, you need to make sure that it is properly trained. A dog training routine makes it easier for you and your dog to understand each other’s expectations. Once trained, you will no longer need to worry when he is left alone, when you have visitors, or when he is out in public. It might not have been an easy road, but you will soon know that the time you spent on training your dog will have been worth it.
When you are using a dog crate in your training, you need to help your dog get used to it as his home. When you feed him, feed him inside the crate, and keep the door open while he is in there eating. This will help him associate good things with his crate.
When correcting your dog verbally, use sharp, short, concise commands. Don’t berate your dog with a lengthy speech. Simply address the issue and move on. Additionally, you can raise the tone of your voice for emphasis.
Your training sessions must be long enough for your dog to learn the desired behavior but no so long that he becomes bored. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend training them each session. See where your dog starts not paying attention to the training session.
As you start training your dog, establish verbal cues that let your dog understand when they have performed something correctly. The word “yes” can be the bridge between rewards and good behavior.
Decide on a specific command phrase for your pup during house training. Tell the dog a phrase, like “go potty!”, whenever you go outside to help your dog keep the goal of going outside in mind.
Anytime your dog does something good, make sure you reward him. After all, the point of rewarding him is to show him that he is following good behavior. This is the proper way to make sure that your dog learns the difference between right and wrong.
Be sure to always grab your dog’s attention the same way. For example, state your dog’s name before giving a command. Use your dog’s name to get his or her attention. Once you do this, tell your dog your command. Dogs that are properly trained will respond when their name is said.
Understand that getting your dog to respond during the times that you tell him or her ‘no’ is not helpful. Positive reinforcement is the best method for training your dog. “No” is negative and doesn’t give your dog a real command he can follow. Each dog is unique and has unique requirements. Training should be geared towards their needs and personality.
Watch the tone you use when you discipline your dog. Your dog is sensitive to the tone of your voice and can sense your feelings based on it. Talking sternly is a good tone when you are teaching discipline.
Ground Rules
Every relationship has ground rules, and the act of dog training establishes those ground rules with your dog. This makes it less likely that you and your dog will have issues later. You must continue to reinforce what you are teaching your dog. If he deviates from any acceptable behavior, you need to correct this right away, and work every day to make sure that he is remembering what you have taught him. As soon as your dog gets used to training, there’s no end to what you can accomplish.
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